Make an Appointment: 719-344-2209 ext. 3 | [email protected]

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    My Mission

    My mission is to help every woman, especially in the season of motherhood, feel valuable and heard. I want every woman to feel like she matters and that she is being the best version of herself. I want every woman to know her strengths, I want her to be able to identify and proudly own her strengths, yet also be able to give herself grace when she makes a mistake. I want every mother to feel like they are doing the best, while also making time for their needs and their own identity. I want every mother to feel like they can ask for help when needed and know that they are not alone if they do not love every minute of motherhood. I want every woman who is on the journey of becoming a mother to know that this journey matters and I want them to feel supported in any difficult patch/season in this journey. I want every woman, every mom, to really understand how amazing, strong and valuable she is.

    I am here for you.

    I know therapy is not easy and I often tell clients it is easier to be on my side of the room than theirs. My goal as a counselor is to create a safe space that feels safe enough for healing and vulnerability, so that we can address anything and everything needed for you to feel like the best version of yourself. This may involve current struggles, unresolved trauma, family stress or a combination of a few things. While doing this, I also like to create a casual environment while also bringing in humor when appropriate. Therapy often isn’t “fun” but I like to make it as enjoyable and helpful as possible. As a mother of two myself, I know sometimes we can feel alone and feel like we are the only ones struggling. Motherhood is hard and every mother feels this at some point, so I like to give women permission to process this and dive into the difficult seasons to help them get to the other side. Whether you are a mother that works outside of the home or a mother who has decided to stay home, both are difficult in their own ways and every mom could use a little additional support. I offer both in-person and telehealth services to best fit each client’s needs.

    Reach out to me today!

    Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
    I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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