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    The Post-Holiday Blues?

    It’s that time of year again. The holidays are over, the decorations are (hopefully) put away and life has calmed down.

    For some women and mothers, this can bring a sense of calm and peace. I know I love having my house “back to normal” and the extra clutter gone. (But don’t worry, come November, I will be counting down the minutes to put my tree back up.) For some women though, this time of year can create a “lull” or a sense of boredom.

    Let’s be honest, the holidays are filled with busy times and crazy days and weeks. Sometimes it can be difficult to get back into a groove and to make sure that we are able to find happiness, joy and excitement in the day-to-day. If you find that you are struggling with more depression or sense of boredom after the holidays, here are some helpful tips:

    – Create playdates or other activities to keep yourself busy and out of the house. OR you may need the opposite and need more quiet and down time

    – Start a new hobby. I am not talking a New Year’s Resolution here, but something that you have always wanted to try or something you haven’t done in a while to give you brain a little dopamine boost. Start small and create reasonable goals

    – Find some excitement in the day to day. Maybe it is more time outside, maybe you treat yourself to you favorite coffee or maybe you arrange a sitter to get some time for yourself

    – Find unique joy. Part of what makes this holidays feel so special is the traditions and the special things you do that you usually only do that time of year. Maybe you bake Valentine’s cookies or have a special movie marathon in March, to help bring in some of those feelings of intentionality and uniqueness that the holidays can bring

    No matter how you feel during or after the holidays, know you are not alone and they can bring up a whole variety of emotions. If you find you are really struggling (especially with depression or anxiety), please reach out for help and make sure you are taking care of yourself.